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Monday, May 15, 2017

The Truck "bit" Laura

So - you'd think with all of this mountainous terrain and our scrambling up and over rocks we'd have a dramatic tale of a twisted ankle or skinned shins or even blisters - but nooooo. Instead as we stopped to take showers Sunday night the winds were extremely strong. As Laura was getting stuff out of the truck a strong gust of wind caught the door and slammed it into her leg, puncturing the back of her calf.  Puncturing is the best description as you could see the shape of the corner of the door in the puncture of her calf; it was deep.  I wanted to take her to the ER for stitches, but she refused because she knew where she'd be triaged in the line of folks at the ER on a Sunday evening. She just had me dress it. Monday morning she relented though, because it was still oozing. So we went to Urgent Care in "nearby" Waynesboro (an hours drive).

You learn something every day, did you know there is a 12 hour rule? Apparently they don't like to suture wounds more than 12 hours after they occur because the risk of infection goes up. We were there 13 hours after the "bite."  So all they did was clean and dress the wound, similar to what I had done. This will definitely leave a scar, nicknamed "Mothers Day Mark." FYI - I know this is not news to those of you that know Laura but she is quite a determined lady. If she does not want to do something she won't.

Learning, watch out for doors in high winds!!

The "Culprit"

That'll leave a mark - ouch!

Dr Bob's dressing

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