We stopped at Railay Beach to spend the last day before sending the girls back to the US. The ferry from Ko Phi Phi to Railay was definitely an “adventure.” The ferry was packed! Many folks sat inside to avoid the intense sun for the 90 minute ride to Railay. There was no air conditioning and minimal ventilation. Luckily we sat next to a lovely South African couple traveling with their young son; chatting with them definitely helped pass the time. Things got interesting when 20 minutes before the boat arrived at Railay, they called all passengers getting off at Railay to the back of the boat. There were a SLEW of folks; you could barely turn around. When the boat finally stopped at Railay, we were 1/2 mile from shore, and there was no dock. Instead, they had long-tail boats meet the ferry to take passengers ashore, about 12 people and their luggage per small boat. Our long-tail felt like it was going to tip over once or twice. The long-tails stopped about 30 yards from shore in knee deep water. Everyone had to carry their luggage ashore trying not to get it wet. You should have seen the looks of older folks and those who had those huge mega suitcases. Thank goodness we had carry-on luggage. What an experience—it was definitely an adventure!
Once we recovered from our “adventurous” ferry ride, we saw that Railay had a beautiful beach, absolutely gorgeous and not as crowded as Ko Phi Phi. We had a chance to kayak and relax before heading back to Bangkok.

We grabbed this picture from the Internet so you can get an idea of our ferry ride. Our boat was much more crowded!
Our beach-front resort was awesome—lush landscaping, beautiful flowers, gorgeous rooms and a relaxing infinity pool.
It was really tough sitting in this pool relaxing (NOT).

We went kayaking with the girls. They chose a tandem, and we took singles. When they came back, one of them said next time singles for them. LOL

We were able to explore all around the karsts (the big limestone rocks) while kayaking.

Pretty fascinating to see the erosion from the water over the millennia.

The cliffs were gorgeous!
Railay is best known for great rock climbing—you can see why.

So scenic

Everyone loved watching the sunsets.
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